
Il Migliore Dei Mali

1997, Southern Italy, five kids grappling with the disappearance of a dog, and a chemical industry full of hidden truths in the background. An adventure between the genres “detective story” and “fantasy” where the mysterious events occurring around the kids and the town will bring them face to face with “the best of evils”.

GREEN FILM Rating 29/50
Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Croatia
Violetta Rovetto
Giuseppe Pallone, Andrea Arru, Riccardo Antonaci, Giorgia Piancatelli, Niccolò Bizzoco, Matteo Ferrara, Pietro Ragusa, Massimo Wertmüller, Annalisa Insardà, Vincenzo Scuruchi, Pino Torcasio
Solaria Film, Minerva Pictures, ArsMedia, Agresywna Banda, Jaka Produkcija, Rai Cinema

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