
How to obtain GREEN FILM certification

If you are a film or TV producer and you wish to obtain the GREEN FILM environmental sustainability Certification label for your project, carry out the following 8 steps:

  1. Download and carefully read the GREEN FILM Rating System.
  2. Nominate a Sustainability Manager* for your project.
  3. Plan the sustainability of your project:
    –  The Sustainability Manager will draft the Sustainability Plan and the Transport Optimization Plan (mandatory prerequisites) for your project.
    –  Using the checklist on the last page of the Rating System, you and the Sustainability Manager will select the environmental sustainability criteria you commit to complying with during the production of your project. Each criterion listed is associated with a score. To be eligible for certification you must score at least 25 points.
  4. Contact a Verifying Body chosen among those listed here.
  5. Fill in and send the Application Form for receiving the Green Film certificaton to info@green.film and to the Verifying Body prior to starting shooting.
  6. During and after the production, the Verifying Body you have chosen will check that you have complied with the criteria you selected in your application, and will prepare and send you a report.
  7. If the evaluation is positive, the GREEN FILM environmental sustainability certification label is issued.
  8. You can now proudly display the GREEN FILM logo in the credits and in the communication related to your film.
Is your project a DOCUMENTARY?
In this case you can refer to a dedicated rating system and submit the corresponding Green Film application.

*SUSTAINABILITY MANAGER: A consultant, even if working outside production, with at least two years of experience in the field of environmental consulting.

Contact us

Please fill in the form below in order to get started and receive more information and personalised assistance for your project.


Production company

(Nr., Street, zip code, town, Country)

Contact person

Further information

GREEN FILM is a project developed by the Trentino Film Commission, an area of Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A, an in-house company of the Autonomous Province of Trento. Trentino Sviluppo S.p.A is the owner of the GREEN FILM certification mark and acts as the certifying body.

Download now the rating system