Green Film Pre-Assessment Tool Login

What is it?

The Green Film pre-assessment tool provides a simulation of the score an audiovisual project can achieve on the Green Film checklist and allows to predict a scenario in terms of economic and environmental costs or benefits.

The delta is expressed in terms of difference between applying or not applying each criterion,  in relation to both climate-altering emissions and cost.

The data displayed are the results of a study conducted in the framework of ISO 14040:2006, ISO 14044:2018  and ISO 14067:2018 – for more info visit the GF Research Lab page.

How does it work?

Enter the requested information about your production and select the criteria you would like to implement on your set by ticking the corresponding checkboxes. At the end of the page you will get the total score.

By clicking “Submit” you accept the privacy policy

Please note that your e-mail data will not be used or saved for third-party purposes, but only to collect usage statistics.