


To guarantee crew members nutrition that is both healthy and of good quality, yet that respects the environment by reducing, as far as possible, the production of waste from catering operations and CO2 emissions originating from organisational choices that are costly both from an environmental and an economic perspective.

C1 Drinking water Local water network: 4 points
Freestanding water dispensers: 3 points
max 4 points
C2 Supply of meals Restaurants: 4 points
Catering without lunch-boxes: 1 points
max 4 points
C3 Reusable tableware 2 points
C4 Hot beverages on set 3 points

Criterion description:



The provisioning of drinking water and of cold beverages on set can be done without using plastic bottles. When provisioning is done using cups (or other similar containers), the cups must not be of the disposable kind.

For the provisioning of drinking water, it is possible to:
Option 1 (4 points):
use only the local water supply network;
Option 2 (3 points):
use freestanding water dispensers.

Observations and suggestions

The use of plastic water bottles and disposable cups involves the daily production of rubbish (light packaging) which needs to be disposed of in compliance with local waste differentiation laws that may vary according to where the set is located. Avoiding such waste constitutes an environmental solution from both an economic and organisational perspective.
The health authorities in charge conduct constant monitoring of the area’s water, guaranteeing the service’s users the possibility of drinking potable water via taps and water-fountains; as an alternative, water can be dispensed using freestanding water dispensers that are, in any case, far more ecological than plastic bottles.
The use of flasks or other personalised containers made of washable material by crew members is recommended.
By respecting this criterion, it is possible to indirectly reduce the use of motorised transport, both for the purchase of bottles of water and plastic cups and for the disposal of waste, thus reducing the consequences of CO2 emissions and fuel consumption.

Verification procedure

Document verification.
Option 1
Produce the originals or copies of the following:

  • a list of the sets used for shooting and of the corresponding local network water taps used for each set;
  • the invoices regarding the purchase of flasks, washable cups or other non- disposable containers used for the provisioning of drinking water.

Option 2
Produce the originals or copies of the following:

  • the invoices regarding the purchase of the bottles for freestanding water dispensers;
  • the invoices regarding the purchase of flasks, washable cups or other non- disposable containers used for the provisioning of drinking water.

On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is aimed at ensuring that the water is not supplied in plastic bottles or disposable cups (or other similar containers).



To serve the main meal of the day to the crew, choose one of the following options:
Option 1 (4 points):
Eat meals only at restaurants;
Option 2 (1 point):

Also or only use a catering or field kitchen service that does not make use of lunch-boxes but only of self-service distribution systems. As an exception, a quick snack may be consumed on-set (such as, for example, sandwiches or similar) when the shoot envisages non-stop hours. It is understood that this exception cannot be applied for more than 30% of the total number of shooting days.

Observations and suggestions

Very often the catering service or field kitchen is provided by giving crew members individual portions of food to be eaten on-set (lunch-boxes), which leads to an increase in the production of waste. The key to meeting this criterion is therefore to eliminate lunch-boxes.

The restaurant option is more sustainable than the catering service because the use of reusable tableware is always guaranteed, and the handling of waste is the responsibility of the restaurateur.

Verification procedure

Document verification.
Option 1
Produce the originals or copies of the following:

  • a list of the sets used for shooting and of the corresponding restaurants used for each set;
  • the corresponding invoices of the restaurants.

Option 2
Produce the originals or copies of the contract or convention entered into with the catering service or field kitchen, clearly indicating that the meals will never be served inside lunch boxes.

On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is aimed at verifying that the meals are not served using individual lunch-boxes and, if necessary, at ascertaining that the exceptional use of snacks consumed on-set is within the permitted limit of 30% of the total shooting days.



When a catering service or field kitchen is used to serve meals and beverages, only reusable tableware must be used (plates, cutlery and glasses).

Observations and suggestions

The elimination of lunch-boxes for serving food is not enough to eliminate the problem of waste, because the catering service or field kitchen often includes the supply of disposable rather than reusable tableware.

Verification procedure

Document verification.  When using a catering service or a field kitchen, produce a copy of the contract entered into with the service supplier that must indicate also the type of tableware they will use for distributing the food, with a prohibition on using disposable tableware.

On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to ensure that disposable tableware is not used.



Hot beverages on-set (coffee, tea, etc.) must be provided without the use of disposable cups and stirrers. Only use ground coffee.

Observations and suggestions

The snack bar service offered on-set often requires the use of disposable cups for tea or coffee: compliance with this criterion means significantly reducing the production of packaging.

Verification procedure

Document verification. Produce the originals or copies of the invoices for the purchase of washable cups and stirrers (hard plastic or ceramic cups) and ground coffee.

On-set verification. The purpose of the on-set verification conducted by the Verifying Body is to ensure that only the permitted supplies are used.

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